Measuring the Success of Linkable Assets in Your SEO Campaign

Let’s be real about SEO:

Many believe that having “stellar content” is the golden ticket. They assume, “If I create amazing stuff, people will naturally link to me”.

If only it were so simple…

To seriously get high-grade links, you need a systematic plan for your content creation and promotion. Otherwise, you’re just hoping something sticks in the vast world of SEO.

Today we’ll explore a strategy that nearly assures high-quality links from every piece of content you publish – using linkable assets in SEO.

Let’s embark on this journey together!

Table Of Contents:

Understanding Linkable Assets in SEO

Linkable assets, ever heard of them?

They’re like gold mines for your website.

The name says it all. They are ‘assets’ that get you ‘links’. But linkable assets are more than just a means of acquiring backlinks.

Seo Notepad

Digging Deeper into Linkable Assets

We can’t simply define linkable assets as a page or piece of content designed to attract backlinks. That’s too basic.

No, they aren’t just blog posts or infographics. They’re anything on your site that others find valuable enough to share and reference – Moz calls this “link bait”.

A Valuable Asset Indeed.

This is where the magic happens: quality links bring higher rankings in search engine results, driving more organic traffic to your site. And we know what increased traffic means – potential leads and sales.

Sounds Like A Win-Win, Right?

You create something valuable; users benefit from it and naturally want to share it with their audience.

Making The Connection With SEO

In simple terms, link building improves the authority of your domain while signaling relevance to Google through anchor text usage – Ahrefs explains why link building is important here. This signals relevancy for specific keywords, improving SERP positions dramatically when done right.

In summary?

SEO isn’t only about optimizing title tags or pumping out loads of content. It’s also about creating valuable resources (aka “linkable assets”) that improve user experience and naturally attract backlinks.

Types of Linkable Assets

Linkable assets are a game changer in SEO.


Packed with data and visually appealing. They get the link love.


Detailed and informative, they’re backlink magnets when shared freely.


Captivating visuals? Check. Easily shareable? You bet.

Data Studies or Original Research

Your unique research can earn you top-tier backlinks.

Takes work but pays off big time.

Online Tools or Calculators

Create something useful to your audience?

You’ll be rewarded with quality links.

List Posts (aka Listicles)

Bite-sized info chunks make them popular among readers…and linkers too.

The ‘How-to’ Guides & Tutorials

If it’s detailed and helpful, it will attract tons of links. Guaranteed.

In-depth Articles or Long-form Content

Showcase expertise on a topic and see those backlinks pour in.

Award Badges

Sounds old school right? But hey, if done right they still do wonders for getting you linked up out there.

Case Studies

Nothing beats real-world examples as proof.

And who wouldn’t want to link that?

So now you know – creating different types of engaging content is key to earning high-quality backlinks.

Case Study 1

Creating Effective Linkable Assets

Know Your Audience

Your first step? Get to know your audience. It’s key.

Audience insights let you create assets they’ll love and link to.

Dive Deep into the Topic

No shallow content, please. Dive deep into topics.

Create High-Quality Content

This isn’t a surprise – quality is king.

Your asset needs to be informative, valuable, and unique for others to want to link it. No shortcuts here.

Add Visuals When Relevant

Neil Patel agrees, visuals are worth a thousand links.

They make your content more appealing and digestible.

Educate & Entertain

The best assets both educate AND entertain readers. Why choose?

Promote Your Asset

You’ve created an amazing piece of content… now what?

Promotion. Use social media channels, email newsletters, or outreach campaigns.

Ahrefs has great tips on how to promote your blog post effectively.

Remember: Creating effective linkable assets takes time but it’s well worth the effort as high-quality backlinks can significantly boost your SEO efforts.

Metrics for Measuring Linkable Asset Performance

Now what?

The real game starts now: measuring their performance.

Let’s get to work and investigate the indicators that are important.

Traffic Volume

Metric 1:

Traffic volume is a biggie in SEO land.

If more people are visiting your content, it’s likely valuable – a true asset.

Social Shares

Metric 2:

Social shares are another important metric to watch.

A high share count means folks find your stuff interesting enough to spread the word.

Metric 3:

Check how many sites are linking back to yours. This tells us if other site owners find our content helpful and worthy of citation. You can use tools like Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker or Moz’s Link Explorer for this purpose.

User Engagement Metrics (Bounce Rate, Time on Page)

Metric 4:

High bounce rates may mean users aren’t finding what they’re looking for. On the flip side, longer time spent on page suggests readers are digesting your information thoroughly.

Organic Rankings

Metric 5:

The higher your content ranks in organic search results, the better. Use tools like SEMrush or Google’s own Search Console to track this.

There you have it – key metrics to measure linkable asset performance.

Remember: SEO isn’t an overnight success game.

Stay patient and keep refining your strategy based on these metric insights.

KPIs for Evaluating ROI of Linkable Assets

Nice. Is the effort worth it?

Track These KPIs

The answer? Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

KPIs give us concrete data on our SEO efforts.

Your first KPI: inbound links.

This measures the number of other websites linking to your content.

Social Shares

You also want eyes on those social shares.

It’s a clear indicator that people find your content share-worthy.

Traffic and Engagement Metrics

Traffic metrics matter too. Are more visitors flocking to your site because of these assets?

If yes, great. If not, time to tweak that strategy.

Bounce Rate & Time Spent

A high bounce rate could mean folks aren’t finding what they need. 

New vs Returning Visitors

We love new faces but returning ones show loyalty. 

Pages per Session

Fewer pages viewed may indicate less interest in your offerings. Make sure each page is engaging enough.

Ranks for Targeted Keywords

Are your assets ranking for the keywords you targeted? It’s crucial to track this metric.


Lastly, are these assets leading to conversions?

It may be necessary to make some significant modifications to the plan if desired results are not being achieved.

The Bottom Line:

You need to measure the success of your linkable assets using these KPIs. They’ll help you tweak and refine your SEO strategy. Check regularly to ensure that your SEO strategy is performing optimally.

Case Studies on Successful Use of Linkable Assets

The Power of Infographics: Kissmetrics

Kissmetrics, a well-known analytics company, boosted its backlinks using infographics.

They created appealing and informative visuals to make complex data easy to understand. This strategy attracted high-quality links from top-tier sites like Forbes and Entrepreneur.

In-depth Guides: Backlinko’s SEO Guide

A masterstroke in linkable assets is the SEO guide by Backlinko.

This comprehensive guide provides deep insights into Google’s ranking factors. It quickly became an industry reference point, earning countless backlinks because it offered value no other resource did at that time.

Viral Quizzes: Zenni Optical’s “You’ve Been Framed” Quiz 

Zenni Optical’s quiz, aimed at helping customers choose eyeglass frames, was a massive hit.

This fun interactive tool turned out to be an excellent link magnet as numerous fashion blogs linked to it.

Pioneering Research: OkDork & BuzzSumo Study

A joint study conducted by OkDork and BuzzSumo analyzed 100 million headlines on social media.

The results? They found specific headline phrases received more engagement than others.

Many websites referenced this research for their content creation, making it a linkable asset.

Tool Creation: CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer

CoSchedule developed an innovative Headline Analyzer tool, helping content creators craft compelling headlines.

The tool is free to use and has attracted backlinks from many websites that find it valuable for their readers.

Each case study here shows the power of creating unique, useful content. They all demonstrate how providing value can attract high-quality backlinks, boosting SEO performance.

Future Trends in Utilizing Linkable Assets for SEO

The SEO landscape never stands still. Neither should your linkable assets strategy.

Visuals Are In The Driver’s Seat

A picture paints a thousand words, but it also gets more links.

Innovative visuals like infographics and videos are becoming the go-to link magnets. Search Engine Journal agrees too.

Voice Search Optimized Content

Siri, Alexa, and their buddies are changing how we search.

To keep up, start creating content that answers voice queries directly. More natural language use equals more backlinks earned.

User-Centric Content Reigns Supreme

Your audience decides what’s valuable now.

Create high-quality resources they need and love to share – those are the real gold mines for earning links.

E-A-T Takes Centre Stage

You’re not just writing anymore; you’re demonstrating expertise with every post. Google wants proof of E-A-T (Expertise Authority Trust) from sites hoping to rank well. 

Data-driven strategies rule as metrics become sophisticated, yes, but let’s remember:

All Roads Lead To Quality Backlinks

No matter where future trends take us – building quality backlinks remains key. So get creative and give ’em something worth linking to.


Mastering linkable assets in SEO isn’t rocket science…

It’s about understanding their power and knowing how to create them effectively.

You’ve now seen the many types of these valuable resources, and how they play a crucial role in driving high-quality backlinks.

Your next step? Start creating! Use the guidelines we shared, track your performance with key metrics, and monitor ROI closely.

The case studies show it can be done successfully – so why not you?

The future trends highlight that investing time into developing quality linkable assets is worthwhile for long-term SEO gains.

No more guessing games. It’s time to build those solid foundations for your SEO strategy using powerful linkable assets!

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