Repurposing Content for Link Building: Turning Old Content into Linkable Assets

Ever feel like you’re on a content creation treadmill, constantly churning out new pieces but struggling to see substantial results?

You’re not alone. But here’s the good news: there’s an ace up your sleeve that can flip this narrative – it’s called repurposing content.

Think of repurposing as giving your best-performing blog post a fresh lease of life in another format, or squeezing more juice from an already ripe fruit.

Sounds intriguing? We bet!

This post will guide you through how to identify potential goldmines for repurposing and the tricks to morph them into multiple high-value assets. We’ll also tackle common hurdles and eye future trends.

Eager to snag top-notch links, amp up your SEO, and drive more traffic?

Table Of Contents:

Understanding the Concept of Repurposing Content

By repurposing content, we can transform existing material into something new and vibrant – much like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly; same creature, but with an entirely different form and function.

The beauty of this approach is its practicality, allowing you to skip steps in your content marketing. Rather than beginning anew every time content is desired, take existing blog posts, webinars, and podcasts and revitalize them in a different form or on another platform.

This doesn’t just save time (though it certainly does that). It also lets your audience experience your ideas through different lenses. A reader who skimmed over your blog content might engage more deeply with an infographic presenting the same information.

A Deeper Dive Into Content Repurposing

In essence, in repurposing content, we extend its lifespan by adapting it for various platforms or formats. Imagine taking one long-form article and breaking it down into bite-sized social media posts – each telling part of the story in their own unique way.

Do you see how one piece becomes many? That’s efficient. But don’t think that quantity is all there is to it; quality matters too.

Finding Value In The Old To Make Something New

We’ve all heard ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’, right? Well, consider repurposing as discovering treasures within our own assets. By looking at old work through fresh eyes—be they yours or someone else’s—you find ways to breathe new life into otherwise stale materials.

3D Rendering Of A Image Showing To Repurpose

Repurpose With Purpose

Remember, the goal isn’t just to recycle content for recycling’s sake. You’re aiming to deliver value with each repurposed piece, be it educational or entertaining.

The right approach depends on your audience and their preferences. Some might love a detailed podcast episode dissecting an issue while others prefer a snappy infographic that gets straight to the point.

Keeping It Fresh With Repurposing

Finally, don’t sweat it if you feel like you’re repeating yourself. It’s all part of the process.

Key Takeaway: Think of repurposing content as a revamp, not just saving time but offering fresh angles to your audience. It’s like turning hefty articles into digestible social posts or transforming detailed podcasts into crisp infographics. This keeps things interesting and valuable for your readers. Ultimately, it’s all about reenergizing old work while catering to diverse preferences.

Identifying Potential Content for Repurposing

The first step to repurpose content is finding what’s ripe for a makeover. But how do you choose? Here are some pointers.

Finding Popular and Evergreen Posts

Dig into your website analytics. Look at which of your posts have garnered the most attention or engagement. Maybe it’s an article that’s consistently ranking high on Google, or one that gets shared around social media like crazy.

Note: If people loved it once, they’re likely to love an updated version even more.

Picking Relevant Topics

Your next move should be picking topics that still matter to your audience today. The trick here is not just going after popularity but also relevancy. It doesn’t make sense to repurpose content nobody cares about anymore, right?

A great tool in this process can be Google Trends. It lets you see if interest in your topic has been steady over time or spiked recently – either way, it could be worth giving a fresh spin.

Selecting Easily Updateable Material

If updating facts and figures sounds like less work than writing from scratch—go for it. Some posts might only need up-to-date data or recent examples to feel new again.

Looking For Enhancement Opportunities

Last but not least: always keep an eye out for potential improvements when selecting material for repurposing. Could this blog post become a compelling infographic? Would these tips look good as a video tutorial?

These guidelines aren’t rules set in stone—they’re starting points. They’ll get you thinking creatively about all the untapped potential in your existing content. Remember, repurposing is not about recycling—it’s about reinventing.

Techniques for Repurposing Content

The art of repurposing content lies in finding creative ways to give a fresh spin to your existing work. It’s not just about reusing, but transforming and invigorating what you already have.

Transforming Blog Posts into Infographics

A picture speaks a thousand words, so let it do the talking. Converting text-heavy blog posts into infographics can be an effective way to reach visual learners. With Canva, creating attractive infographics is easier than ever.

This approach lets you condense complex ideas into easy-to-understand visuals that grab attention and encourage social shares.

Converting Webinars Into Video Tutorials

If you’re sitting on a treasure trove of webinars, why not turn them into video tutorials? This switch can help increase engagement as many users prefer bite-sized instructional videos over lengthy webinar sessions.

YouTube, with its vast user base, offers a great platform for sharing these videos while boosting visibility.

Webinar Icon With Person Holding A Tablet

Turning Interviews Into Podcast Episodes

We live in the era of podcasting where people love consuming information on the go. Transform recorded interviews or Q&A sessions into exciting podcast episodes. makes it simple to start your own podcast channel – offering another avenue for audience interaction and brand exposure.

Morphing Case Studies Into Social Media Stories

Social media stories are all the rage now due to their short-lived nature which fuels FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Take case studies from your website and adapt them as captivating stories for platforms like Instagram or Snapchat.

This is a great opportunity to not only reach more people but also add some narrative flair.

Creating E-books From Blog Series

Got a bunch of related blog posts? Think about pulling them together into an e-book. This will allow users to have access to a bunch of information in one content piece.

Key Takeaway: Repurposing content isn’t just recycling, it’s about creatively reimagining what you already have. Transform text-heavy blogs into infographics for visual learners or webinars into bite-sized video tutorials. Convert interviews into podcast episodes and case studies into social media stories. Or pull together related blog posts to create an e-book.

Maximizing the Value of Repurposed Content

Let’s turn your existing content into gold. But how?

SEO Optimization for Higher Visibility

The first step is to optimize repurposed content for SEO. You want it to get noticed, right? So, use keywords relevant to your topic.

Avoid keyword stuffing though – search engines are smarter than that now. Include them naturally within sentences and in meta tags where possible.

Social Media Promotion for Increased Engagement

Your followers on social media can be a great source of traffic too. Share snippets or teaser images from your repurposed content with links back to the full piece.

You’ll see increased engagement if you tailor each post according to platform norms. For instance, LinkedIn favors more professional tones while Instagram loves visually captivating posts.

Leveraging High-Authority Links for Credibility Boosts

Including outbound links in your content helps boost credibility and value. Just make sure these links point towards high-authority sites related directly to what you’re talking about.

An added bonus: sometimes they return the favor.

Bonus Tip: Reformatting Into Diverse Types of Content

Content Marketing Institute’s guide on creative ways to repurpose masterful writing, suggests turning blog posts into infographics or webinars into video tutorials.

Don’t let your blog post remain confined to its original form – explore the possibilities of content transformation. A key part of maximizing value lies in diversifying how people consume what you’ve got to say.

Lastly – have fun with this process. Your enthusiasm will shine through in the repurposed content, making it even more appealing to your audience. Happy repurposing.

Case Studies of Successful Content Repurposing

Light Up 3D Sign That Says Case Study In Neon Blue

The New York Times’ ‘Cooking’

First, let’s take a peek at The New York Times’ ‘Cooking’. They repurposed decades-old recipe content into an engaging digital cookbook. By adding interactive elements and user-friendly features, they breathed new life into these culinary treasures.

This revamp wasn’t just for looks – it led to increased traffic and subscriber engagement. Their smart use of existing content transformed them from newspaper archives to a top-rated app.

Coca-Cola’s ‘Journey’

Moving on, Coca-Cola demonstrated its knack for innovation when it turned its corporate website into the dynamic digital magazine ‘Journey’.

Rather than traditional press releases, they started telling stories that resonated with their audience. These narratives are mostly based on older articles and blogs but have been revamped in such an enticing way that people can’t help but click.

The result? A massive boost in web traffic without creating entirely new content.

Buzzfeed’s Tasty Videos

Buzzfeed’s Tasty Series: Turning Recipes Into Visual Delights: Buzzfeed is no stranger to viral content – especially when it comes to food. Their Facebook page “Tasty”, transforms simple recipes from text format into mouth-watering video clips.
This ingenious twist has resulted not only in millions of views per video but also significant increases in shares and comments. Plus, they’re even selling a Tasty Cookbook now – talk about turning old content pieces into gold.

Spinning Content the Spotify Style: Finally, we have Spotify’s creative take on repurposing. They took their vast music database and used it to create personalized playlists for each user. The effect was phenomenal – increased user engagement and loyalty without producing any new songs themselves.

Key Takeaway: Successful content repurposing can breathe new life into old material, as seen with The New York Times’ digital cookbook. Similarly, Coca-Cola’s dynamic ‘Journey’ magazine reworked older articles to engage readers. Buzzfeed’s Tasty series turned recipes into visual delights for millions of views, while Spotify created personalized playlists from their existing music database.

Overcoming Challenges in Content Repurposing

Repurposing content sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Take what you already possess and give it a fresh start. But let’s be real—it comes with its own set of challenges.

Finding the Right Content to Repurpose

The first hurdle is figuring out which pieces of your existing content have the potential for repurposing. Not everything will make sense to reuse or adapt into another format.

You need high-quality, evergreen content that remains relevant over time. It should also resonate with your audience so they’re eager for more of the same but different.

Maintaining Consistent Quality Across Different Formats

The second challenge is maintaining quality across various formats. Your blog post might be fantastic as text, but how do you keep that magic when converting it into an infographic or video?

Balancing Freshness and Familiarity

Last but not least: keeping a balance between freshness and familiarity can be tricky. You don’t want people saying “Hey, isn’t this just old wine in new bottles?” while still offering something familiar enough to remain attractive.

A Few Quick Fixes:

  • To get started with finding suitable material for repurposing look at analytics data – identify posts/pages that perform well historically are usually good candidates.
  • While maintaining quality, it’s essential to keep your brand voice consistent. If you’re known for a conversational tone in your blogs, don’t switch to corporate speak when creating an infographic.
  • Breathe new life into old content by introducing fresh insights or updates where relevant – this keeps the material fresh and engaging without losing its essence.

These challenges might look a bit scary up front. But remember, each hurdle is just another opportunity.

Key Takeaway: Revamping content isn’t a cakewalk, it comes with its own set of challenges. Choosing what to rehash needs an eagle eye for timeless, top-notch stuff that your followers will adore. Keeping up the same high standard across different mediums can be tricky but staying true to your brand’s tone is key. Finally, spice things up by adding fresh insights while still keeping that familiar vibe.

Future Trends in Content Repurposing

As the digital landscape evolves, so does content repurposing. Looking forward, we can anticipate several exciting trends.

New Formats and Platforms

The rise of new formats is a game-changer for repurposed content. Podcasts, gaining immense popularity recently, let you turn blog posts into engaging conversations.

We’ve also seen platforms like TikTok skyrocket in usage. These short-form videos offer an avenue to distill complex topics from long articles into bite-sized clips that grab attention.

Growth of Personalization

Studies show personalized content boosts engagement rates significantly, making it another hot trend for repurposed material. Customizing your message to match specific audience segments can make your existing assets more relatable and effective.

Influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

No future prediction would be complete without mentioning AI’s influence on virtually every industry, including digital marketing. AI is now used for creating and curating content (including blog content, YouTube videos, and more), which could revolutionize our approach towards recycling existing materials as well.

A Few Predictions:

  • An uptick in voice search optimization will drive audio-based versions of written blogs or guides.
  • Moving beyond infographics to interactive visual data representations – think VR experiences derived from dry statistical reports.
  • E-learning modules might become the next frontier where detailed ‘how-to’ blog posts are transformed.
  • Automated AI-driven content curation might become a standard practice, making repurposing more efficient and effective.

Content repurposing is heading into an exciting future. It’s not just switching formats, but adapting to new tech and how users behave. Stay tuned to these trends – they might be your next big thing.


Repurposing content isn’t just recycling – it’s a savvy strategy to squeeze more value from your best work. You’ve learned how to identify ripe candidates for repurposing and the various ways you can give them new life.

But remember, transforming formats is only part of the equation. Boosting SEO, sharing on social media, and linking to high-authority sites all play key roles in maximizing reach and engagement.

You’ve seen success stories that inspire action and offer practical insights. Yet challenges are part of the process too. So be prepared to tackle these head-on with smart solutions.

The future? It’s looking bright! Personalization, AI-driven strategies – exciting trends that promise even more opportunities for creative content repurposing.

So take this knowledge, run with it – make your hard-earned content work harder!

And while repurposing content can be useful, what should you do if you have no quality content to begin with? Fortunately, Asset Linkable provides you with not only the content you need, but we can get you those quality backlinks it needs to rank. Contact us today for more information. If you are the DIY type, you can read about these 50 linkable assets methods and apply to your own business.

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